the weblog of Alan Knox

Living in a Christian subculture…

Posted by on Nov 9, 2006 in community | 3 comments

I am living in a Christian subculture. I have known this for some time. I attend and work for a seminary. I teach in a Christian college. I gather with believers many evenings, weekends, and Sundays. There are good things about being part of a Christian subculture. I have many Christian friends who encourage me and challenge me. I hear biblical teaching. I have many opportunities to edify the body of Christ.

But, am I “in the world”? Even though I live in a neighborhood with unbelievers, my answer to that question would have to be, “No, I am not in the world.” I am living among believers who, for the most part, have isolated themselves from the world. Before we moved into our neighborhood–in fact, before we even knew where we would be moving–I knew that I wanted to interact with my neighbors. I have not done that.

It is my desire to be “in the world but not of the world.” I’m not sure how that is going to work in my current context. I know that something needs to change, but I’m not sure what to change yet.


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  1. 11-9-2006

    Have you read any John Fischer, by any chance?

  2. 11-9-2006

    No, I have not read anything by John Fischer, but his titles look interesting. I am currently reading – slowly, very slowly, among other things – Jim Peterson’s book Church Without Walls.
    – Alan

  3. 11-9-2006

    He (Fischer) writes quite a bit about the Christian subculture.