the weblog of Alan Knox

Missing the Target

Posted by on Aug 26, 2010 in community, discipleship, fellowship, unity | 2 comments

Our target is to be like Christ. Right? That’s what Paul says:

…until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ… (Ephesians 4:13 ESV)

Imagine that all of your beliefs, traditions, practices, everything were rolled up into one score and placed on a target (like a dart board) in relation to your distance and direction from being “like Christ.” Obviously, no one would hit the bulls eye.

Now, imagine that other people’s “mark” were placed on the target (like other darts on the dart board) in relation to their distance and direction from being “like Christ.”

Would we be more comfortable with those who scored closer to us, or to those who scored closer to being “like Christ” but on the other side of the target from us?

If we can figure out why most are more comfortable with others who are closer to them instead of others who are closer to Christ, we may understand why we don’t live in and demonstrate the unity that we have in Christ.

What do you think?


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  1. 8-28-2010

    I think you’ve just driven a dart into a way of thinking I didn’t realize I was thinking.

    My hubby got tired of his dart board and banished it to the shed. I’m thinking maybe I should get it out and stick it up where I can see it every day. This could end up being one of those change-of-direction moments in my life.

    wow. thanks.

  2. 8-28-2010


    Like you said in your previous comment, the more we focus on Christ, the more we will find we have in common with one another… and the more we will all move toward maturity in Christ.



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