Pray for Dave Black

A week ago, Danny and I returned from our 2 week trip to Ethiopia. On the same day (but a different flight), Dave Black returned from over a month in Ethiopia. Today, a week later, he leaves on a 10 day trip to an unspecified country in the Middle East.
Dr. Black shared some of his travel plans and opportunities with us and others while we were in Ethiopia. God has given him opportunities to go to places and speak to people that most Christians are not given. He is just as amazed with those opportunities as we were. He simply desires to be obedient in whatever opportunity that God gives him. Please pray for him over the next 10 days as he seeks to obey God while traveling in this country in the Middle East.
But, God gives all of his children opportunities to serve him by serving and loving others. We are responsible for the same thing: be obedient in any opportunity that God gives us. So, as you’re praying for Dr. Black, also pray that you and I and all of God’s children will be obedient in every opportunity he gives us.