the weblog of Alan Knox article: Food banks provide more than food

Posted by on Jan 15, 2011 in blog links,, love, missional, personal, service | 1 comment

My first article is posted here: Food banks provide more than food.

I’m writing as the “Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner,” so my goal is to help Jesus’ followers to live out what they say that they believe.

My article begins like this:

Jesus told his disciples that they should be recognized both for their love for one another and for their care for “the least,” that is, for those who are hungry, sick, imprisoned, or homeless. In today’s struggling economy, more and more people find themselves among those needing help.

Since this is a new medium for me, I would appreciate any feedback.

One Comment

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  1. 1-16-2011


    Great article! Concise and with a challenge.