the weblog of Alan Knox

Did she or didn’t she?

Posted by on Jan 21, 2007 in edification, gathering | 2 comments

Grace at Emerging Grace asks whether or not she is guilty of “forsaking the assembling” in a post called “Forsake Not…

I’ve written about this topic in this blog post: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together“. Is this passage (Hebrews 10:24-25) warning believers to attend a meeting, or is it teaching them to encourage one another when they are together? If the warning is to attend a meeting, then the majority of believers are doing great! If, instead, the author of Hebrews is warning his readers not to stop encouraging one another, then some of us may be missing something here.

So, did Grace “forsake” or did she not?


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  1. 1-22-2007

    I forsook not.

    I like how in your earlier post you take this passage beyond the attendance requirement and address the idea of not neglecting our responsibility to one another.

  2. 1-22-2007


    I don’t think the author originally attended to convey the idea that the believers should attend a certain meeting. Instead, I think he intended for them to realize that they had responsibilities (“to encourage one another”) whenever they were with other believers.
