the weblog of Alan Knox

I’ve been tagged!

Posted by on Jan 7, 2007 in blog links | 7 comments

Steve Sensenig tagged me to answer “Five(ish) Things I’d Like to Know About You.” I’ve never been tagged before, so I thought I would give this a try. It’s not that I want you to know so much about me, but because I want to tag others! So, here goes…

0) What’s your name and website URL? (optional, of course)

My name is Alan Knox (you’ll find it at the top right of my blog under “About Me.”). My website (blog) URL is (which is where you probably are right now).

1) What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why? (two sentences max)

Teaching Greek at Southeastern College. I started teaching Fall 2006, and I had a blast because I love to see people’s faces light up when they read the Greek NT!

2) A. Name one thing you did in the past that you no longer do but wish you did? (one sentence max)
B. Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off? (one sentence max)

A. Mountain bike riding: I loved mountain bike riding, but I am not in shape to ride now, nor do I have the time.
B. Play guitar: I own two guitars, but only know enough to sound really bad.

3) A. What two things would you most like to learn or be better at, and why? (two sentences max)
B. If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn? (two more sentences, max)

A. Well, the first is easy: guitar, which I mentioned in question #2. The second would be Greek. I would love to be able to read the Greek NT as well as I can read English.
B. Honestly, my first choice would be Jesus Christ. I can’t think of anyone else that could teach me exactly what I need to know.

4) A. What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you?
B. Now list two more words you wish described you…

A. Wow, this one is hard. I’d rather ask them. hmmm… (I cheated and asked my wife, and these are her words that other people would use to describe me) intelligent, down-to-earth (only counts as one word), and fun.
B. Romantic (I wish my wife could use this more about me) and Spirit-led (also only counts as one word).

5) What are your top three passions? (can be current or past, work, hobbies, or causes– three sentences max)

1) Jesus Christ, 2) my wife, 3) my family.

6) Write–and answer–one more question that YOU would ask someone (with answer in three sentences max)

Q: What is God doing in your life right now?
A: God is showing me how to treat people as more important than things and agendas.

[Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?]

What is God doing in my life right now?


I am supposed to tag five other people. I think this is kinda like a chain letter without the bad repurcusions if you break the chain. So, if you don’t respond to my tag, nothing bad will happen, except I will stop being your friend… which, come to think of it, may be a good thing. So, here are the five people that I tag, in alphabetical order:

1) Isabel at Amateur
2) Leah at Our Payneful Memories (her response)
3) Lew at The Pursuit (his response)
4) Maël at The Adventures of Maël and Cindy
5) Theron at Sharing in the Life

Please leave a comment if you post your answers. Thank you, and have fun!


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 1-7-2007

    Thanks for playing along with it! I’d never done one of these, either, and I’m glad you decided to do it. I actually feel like I know you a bit better now. And it appears that we share a few of the same passions (big surprise, huh?!)

    It’s also nice to know that someone else stays up late blogging, and their wife is still up with them, too (my wife and I are on our laptops in the same room, occasionally sharing what we read, or discussing things with each other, including deep questions like “How did it get to be almost 1:00 AM?!?!” hehe)

  2. 1-7-2007


    You were suppose to write and answer your sixth question.


  3. 1-7-2007


    Thank you for catching that! I’ve updated the post with my answer.


  4. 1-8-2007

    Hey Alan – Teach me some Greek! Okay, sorry — that’s the name of a homeschooling Greek Course (except the name’s “Andrew”), which you would know if you homeschool.

    It’s early … pardon the attempt at humor 🙂

    I enjoyed reading your responses to the questions and have often wondered how much more I would understand it if I could read the NT in Greek …


  5. 1-8-2007


    Actually, we do homeschool, but I don’t know that course. My 12 yr old son took my Greek course last fall. He did very well. You can learn Greek. And, you will learn something new in the NT.


  6. 1-9-2007

    Thank you for tagging me, and for letting me play in a smaller circle. 🙂

  7. 1-29-2007

    I accepted your “tag” Alan and have posted here:

    Funny thing, I have to admit that I didn’t know I had been tagged until I vainly searched “payneful memories” on the blogger search to see if I was out there. Ha ha.