the weblog of Alan Knox

Georgia Tech and Early Christians…

Posted by on Feb 21, 2007 in blog links | 6 comments

I was searching for more information about how the early church cared for the poor and unwanted, when I came across a surprising article. The content of the article was not surprising at all. I’ve read this before. However, the source of the article was very surprising. The article “Why the First Christians were called a ‘Third Race’” was written by someone who is part of RUF-International on the campus of Georgia Tech! This is interesting for me because I attended Georgia Tech in the late eighties and actually have degrees in Electrical Engineering from that school. It is great to see that there are fellowships of believing students on the campus of Georgia Tech.

By the way, the article is worth reading and thinking about. For example, consider this quote from the 2nd century AD:

Christians love all men, but all men persecute them … They live in poverty, but enrich many … They suffer dishonor, but that is their glory … A blessing is their answer to abuse, deference their response to insult. In return for all the good they do they are punished like criminals. Even then they rejoice, as if they had received the gift of life … To speak in general terms, we may say that the Christian is to the world what the soul is to the body.


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  1. 2-21-2007

    I don’t think the same would be said today, any of it, but some examples are “Their teaching is not based on ideas inspired by their own human curiosity. Unlike other people, they champion no purely human doctrine. In their dress, food, and general manner of life, they follow the customs of whatever city they happen to live in….”

    “A blessing is their answer to abuse….”

    Lord, increase our faith and our understanding of You!!!!!

  2. 2-21-2007


    I have to admit that “a blessing is their answer to abuse” is a tough one. I do not believe that we should follow everything that the post-apostolic church did, but this certainly seems biblical.

    “Bless those who curse you and pray for those who spitefully use you.” (Luke 6:28)

    If we blessed those who abuse us, there may be more who ask us for a reason for our hope… (1 Peter 3:14-17)


  3. 2-21-2007

    Give to any who asks of you…

    Love your enemies…

    Don’t let any unwholesome conversation come out of you….

    turn the other cheek…


  4. 2-21-2007

    Georgia Tech huh? Is that like the Indiana Tech of the south? AND they have Christians? glory!

  5. 2-21-2007


    Yes, I know that’s hard to believe because of the people you know who went to Ga Tech, but apparently God still works miracles…


  6. 2-22-2007

    speaking of miracles, the director of the PhD program at Golden Gate called tonight while we were visiting the Sams’ at the hospital and left us a message on the machine. Unfortunately, our answering machine was surely designed by an indiana tech grad as it stops recording after say, a good 12 seconds. So, we know he called and wants us to call him back at BEEEEP. well, we will see tomorrow.