the weblog of Alan Knox

Matthew McDill’s Messy Meetings…

Posted by on Feb 22, 2007 in blog links, edification, gathering | Comments Off on Matthew McDill’s Messy Meetings…

Matthew McDill is continuing our discussion about “Messy Meetings” on his blog in a post called (of all things) “Messy Meetings“. Matthew is a fellow PhD student under Dr. Black. I’ve been greatly encouraged by his posts as they seek God’s will in how to live and act as the church in the mountains of North Carolina. He concludes his post with the following words:

Returning to the initial question, “Does it work?”: If you are looking for a smooth, ever-edifying, always feel-good meeting, no, it does not work. But if you are looking for an opportunity for the body to grow together in the context of real life, real struggles, and real relationships, yes, it works.

I would encourage you to read Matthew’s post (and his entire blog!) to see how other believers are struggling with meeting together as the church.