the weblog of Alan Knox

Christian Leadership around the Blogosphere…

Posted by on Mar 30, 2007 in definition, elders, office, service | 6 comments

Since my last two posts have covered the topics of Christian leadership, specifically elders, I thought I would post some links to others who are discussing the topics of Christian leadership, elders, ministers, and organizations:

My good friend Maël, from “The Adventures of Maël & Cindy“, examines the use of the English word “ministers” to describe Christian leaders.

A new blogging friend, “Aussie” John, who blogs at “Caesura“, has added his own thoughts to mine in a post from Thursday, March 29, 2007.

Two other blogging friends, the husband and wife team of Brandon and Heather, describe their interactions with the church and the organization. Brandon, at “Eleutheros“, calls his post “The death of a dream and the birth of a dream“, while Heather, at “Free Heart Reflections“, calls her post “The Institution At What Costs?

Finally, here are a few of my previous posts concerning leaders, elders, and servants which you can add to “What does a bishop oversee?” and “The Church or the Organization?“:

1. “Leaders and Servants
2. “More on Leaders and Servants
3. “Leadership, Obedience, and Authority
4. “Who is your pastor?
5. “Qualifications and Examples

I hope you enjoy reading these.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 3-30-2007

    just a quick note to say we are in England safely.. Can’t talk substantively now. I look forward to catching up.

  2. 3-30-2007

    These have been great posts. I just got caught up on your blog tonight as this week has been very busy. I wish I had made the time to share a thought or two, but it seems that you, Steve, Heather and a few others have basically said what I would have anyway.

    I’m still processing my thoughts about the institutional church and the roles it’s leaders play. These topics are right on time…it would appear to me that God is up to something in the Church. Perhaps Barna’s book, Revolution was more aptly titled than I originally realized.

    Be blessed…

  3. 3-30-2007


    I’m glad to hear that you made it to England safely. I can’t wait to hear what God does in and through you there.


    To be honest, I have not been able to keep up with the comments today either. I have learned alot as well.


  4. 3-31-2007


    Thanks for the links on this important subject around which so much confusion swirls. Good to have fresh perspectives.

  5. 3-31-2007

    Thanks for the link … I am thinking now that we are more removed from the situation at hand, that I will be blogging about more related to this journey and to God’s GRACE …



  6. 3-31-2007


    Welcome to my blog and thank you for the comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the links.


    You’re welcome. I would love to hear more about God’s grace. Please do post about this.
