the weblog of Alan Knox

If we confess our sins…

Posted by on Mar 13, 2007 in fellowship | 10 comments

Matt, over at “Matt Dabb’s Blog“, has written a post called “Practicing Confession“. He makes some important points and asks several important questions concerning confessing sins to one another. Consider this:

We live such private lives. We don’t know our neighbors. It is very difficult for people to open up on a deeper level. How do we move from, “Hi, how are you?” “Fine.” to confessing our sins and becoming vulnerable to each other? We all sin and need outlets for confession yet the invitation is only used for that a few times during the year rather than hundreds. I think we could use a more effective outlet for confession.

Matt is correct. We cannot move directly from “How are you?” to “I have sinned”. What is that step in between? I believe that step is fellowship. No, I don’t mean pot-luck suppers. I mean people who are bound together by the presence of the Holy Spirit. No, I’m not talking about a two hour meeting or a once-a-week Bible study. I’m talking about people who share their lives with one another.

I believe that this type of fellowship is the “effective outlet for confession”. What do you think?


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 3-13-2007

    I think you are right on the mark. But I don’t think just any fellowship will do. Having hundreds of people mulling around over lunch still makes it hard. It seems to me that having smaller groups of people certainly makes confession more natural.

    Another thing is good models. We haven’t had good models of confession. We just hope it happens but no one wants to go first! The leaders need to step up and show everyone else that confession is normal and ok. But this needs to be tempered with a reminder that it is never for show. God bless

  2. 3-13-2007


    I appreciate what you are saying here. I wonder though, is “hundreds of people mulling around over lunch” what Scripture means by fellowship?


  3. 3-13-2007

    Solid post! Confession inspired by the move of the Holy Spirit. Close-knit relationships/fellowships will lend itself to times of confession. The most amazing things in these times is you can feel God doing amazing things in our hearts.

  4. 3-14-2007


    Welcome to my blog. I hope you decide to come back and interact with us here. Thank you for the kind words. You are certainly correct that it is amazing to feel God do amazing things in our hearts.


  5. 3-15-2007

    At our missions-training class a few years back, we had a teaching session on the importance of confession. Then we had to apply it. To each other. Real confession, not just “I don’t pray enough” type stuff; stuff you planned to keep hidden. Wow. Still affects me today.

  6. 3-15-2007


    Welcome back to my blog and thank you for your comment. “Real confession… still affects me today”. This gives me much to think about. Perhaps this is a benefit to “real confession”?


  7. 3-15-2007

    Alan —

    I just meant real to me. I daren’t apply my failings to everybody.

  8. 3-15-2007


    I would not apply my failings or your failings to everyone either. But, the idea that confession should be “real confession” does apply to everyone. And, the thought has certainly challenged and convicted me.


  9. 4-2-2007

    This morning I read, “Without trust, I will confess…socially acceptable and common sins such as “not enough faith or prayer.” But with trust, I can share those things that truly hinder me and consequently, I can expect prayer and healing.” The author mentions on previous pages how affirmation must come first to build the trust. He also goes onto say, “We seldom wait until after the process of trust building to confront areas in our relationship with each other that damage that relationship,” and how earning the right to confront must come first.

  10. 4-2-2007


    That gives me much to think about… both from the aspect of earning someone’s trust, and trusting someone enough to confess.
