the weblog of Alan Knox

More on understanding and following…

Posted by on Apr 9, 2007 in blog links | 4 comments

Ted, at “Jesus community“, has written a blog post called “we don’t understand it all” that goes along well with my current series that starts with the post “Connecting the dots…” I think his conclusion is great:

In the end we have to pray for and seek God’s guidance and help. God is a God of grace and mercy. He will lead us on as we seek to follow. Our following certainly is not infallible, though his leading is.

I think that the more we recognize our own fallibility, the easier it will be for us to follow God and to have patience with others who are trying to follow God.

Also, please pray for Ted and his family. His father is close to death (“update on Dad“).


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  1. 4-9-2007

    This verse always comes to mind when I start wondering about living in between the dots:

    A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. Prov 16:9

  2. 4-9-2007


    I think that verse is very applicable to this discussion. Thank you!


  3. 4-9-2007

    Alan, Thanks so much for your very gracious words. And for sharing about my father and asking for prayer for us. Very much appreciated!

  4. 4-9-2007


    You are welcome for the link, the words, and the prayers. Thank you for the thoughtful post.
