the weblog of Alan Knox

Two personal notes…

Posted by on Apr 25, 2007 in blog links | 12 comments

First, today is my wife’s birthday! For those of you who do not know her, Margaret is the greatest wife in the world! For those of you who do know her, you already know that she’s the greatest wife in the world (except for the few misguided souls who think that their wives are the greatest in the world – I’m praying for you). I have learned so much about grace and compassion from Margaret. We truly do complement one another very well.

Second, one of my co-workers (or cow-orker if you read Dilbert), Lew (from “The Pursuit“), has moved on to another job. For almost two years we worked in the same office with three other men. We had great times of discussion, as well as a great working relationship. I know that I will continue to see Lew and his wife, but not as regularly. (By the way, I would recommend Lew’s latestst post “Full-Time Ministry“.)


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  1. 4-25-2007


    Happy Birthday! Now you, Alan, and Alice are all 40. I’m not sure of the significance of that, but it is worth pointing out.


    On the issue of the “greatest wife,” we will just have to differ in our views. I hope we can do that without referring to one another as a heretic.

  2. 4-25-2007

    Happy birthday to Margaret! Your birthdays are pretty close together, there. Cool. And I have no arguement with Margaret being the greatest wife. 🙂 Now if you want to say that there’s a husband greater than mine…grr…

  3. 4-25-2007


    Obviously, I don’t know your wife, but a happy birthday to her from Down Under.

    We hear about the hyberbole that you folk from USA are capable of, but “greatest”? Come on now!! My wife wears that crown, even though Eric thinks otherwise!

    Fourty seems so long ago, you young whipper snappers!

  4. 4-25-2007

    Happy Birthday to Margaret!!! It’s my daddy’s birthday too, but he’s a little older than you. Hope ya’ll have had a great day and Alan you need to be using your foot scrub present on your wife today:-) She deserves it.

  5. 4-25-2007

    I know that Margaret appreciates all of the birthday wishes.

    I, on the other hand, am truly concerned about those who are blinded to the truth that Margaret is the greatest wife.


  6. 4-25-2007

    Tell Margaret I said “Happy Birthday!”. I’m not far behind her…just a few more weeks and we’ll be in the same club 🙂

  7. 4-25-2007

    And with that previous comment, the world’s greatest wife has spoken…

  8. 4-25-2007

    So many heretics in one comment thread… it seems I may need to write on the topic of the world’s greatest wife more often.


  9. 4-26-2007

    Alan, here is the deal … I pre-date you on the whole best wife thing. I have it in writing here on February 15th at 10:58 AM. You chimed in at 12:18 PM a whole hour and 20 minutes later.

    ‘nough said.

    Nothing personal Margaret …

  10. 4-26-2007


    That is an “argument from silence”… doesn’t carry any weight in this discussion. Heretic!


  11. 4-26-2007

    ~Happy*Birthday~ to Margaret!

  12. 4-30-2007

    Alan, Happy Birthday to your lovely wife!Margaret and you are surely lucky. The secret of any happy marriage is mutual respect and compassion, which you both have for each other.That’s what keeps marriages rock solid and successful!