the weblog of Alan Knox

Who are your heroes?

Posted by on Jul 13, 2007 in blog links, discipleship, elders, office | Comments Off on Who are your heroes?

Travis, at “He Must Increase“, just returned from Ecuador. In a post called “New Heroes“, he describes how the “leaders” of the churches there were functioning. This is what he says:

Jose, Geovanny, Marcos, Marlene, Pedro, Roberto, Fabiola, and Patricia. These are the names of some of my new heroes in the faith that I have met this past week in Ecuador. These men and women are everyday people…painters, taxi cab drivers, a mechanics, and house wives. They are all actively doing the things of Jesus. They have been a part of planting well over 100 churches, but they aren’t counting. They face constant danger from the world and criticism from the “traditional” church, yet they endure and press on focusing on the harvest. They live a lifestyle of proclaiming the gospel, yet they demonstrate the gospel with love. They disciple/teach new believers, yet they don’t lord over. They baptize. They equip. They get very little applause and praise. No one is writing dissertations on their ministries. They aren’t getting paid money for their Kingdom work. They are my new heroes in the faith. I was honored to sit at their feet for 8 days and learn. I pray that some of their life will rub off on me.

Did you catch that last sentence? “I pray that some of their life will rub off on me.” The mark of a leader is not found in the way that they exert authority. The mark of a leader is found the way that others desire to follow their example.

Could you follow the example of these believers? (HT: Guy Muse)