the weblog of Alan Knox

500th Post…

Posted by on Aug 21, 2007 in personal | 3 comments

This is my 500th post. I started blogging March 21, 2006 with two posts (it was an ambitious start): “Welcome” and “Questions“. I started this blog asking questions, and I continue to ask questions. I discussed these questions (and some of my answers) just after my first blogiversary in a post called “Answers to Questions“.

I didn’t start blogging “regularly” until around November 9, 2006. In the first 8 months of this blog, I posted a total of 83 posts from March 21, 2006 through November 1, 2006 (an average of 0.37 post per day – or 1 post every 2.7 days). From November 9, 2006 through today (counting this post) I have posted a total of 417 posts (an average of 1.45 post per day – or 1 post every 0.69 days – 16 hours).

Unfortunately, I did not start tracking statistics on this blog until the middle of November. However, since then, these are the top 10 most viewed posts on my blog (unique pageviews):

  1. The Church or the Organization?
  2. All people will know that you are my disciples…
  3. Ephesians 4:11 and the Five-Fold Ministry…
  4. Ephesians 4:7-16 and Consistency…
  5. Leadership, Obedience, and Authority…
  6. Please allow me to introduce myself…
  7. What does a bishop oversee?
  8. Creating Church Organization…
  9. How Does God Communicate?
  10. Matthew 18 and Discipline…

Besides the posts listed above, here are the posts that received the most comments (but not in order):

Exercising authority…
Local church again…
Ephesians 4:7-16 and the Growing Church…
Reflections on The Last Twelve Verses of Mark: Original or Not?
Slaves with private offices?
Who is your pastor?
The Holy Spirit has made you overseers…
Minimalist Definition of the Church…
The Sunday Thing…
Messy Meetings…
Is unity important?
New Barna Article on House Churches

I’ve enjoyed interacting with all of the people who read and comment on this blog. I’ve learned much from all of you. I appreciate the constant encouragement and challenges that you offer. I look forward to reading each of your comments. My desire is to continue pointing you toward maturity in Christ and to be encouraged toward maturity in Christ from you.

As we write and read, may we all consider one another in order to stir up [one another] toward love and good works.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 8-21-2007

    The aim of all blogging, as I see it, is to build up. It must aim to increase our knowledge of Christian truth and our ability to live the Christian life. Your blog has been most successful in this regard, Alan. In multos annos!

  2. 8-21-2007


    I thank our heavenly Father for allowing me to discover your blog,and agree wholeheartedly with brother Dave’s comments. It was because he linked to you that I discovered your efforts.

    What drew me to your blog in the first place was the fact that you are a Christian THINKER, something which I have, for years, sought to encourage in those entrusted to my care.

    I pray the Lord enables you to remain a Christian THINKER, and not a clone of another man, no matter how godly.

    So much harm is being done to God’s people by those who think that leaving college with a piece of paper, or some letters after their name, signaled the end of their education, so they can spend the rest of their life regurgitating only what others have learned. It is the BEGINNING!

    We are students of the King for LIFE not simply until we finish our degrees etc.

    Your much encouraged brother from Down Under.

    Aussie John

  3. 8-21-2007

    Dave and Aussie John,

    I thank God for men like you to encourage me and challenge me and point me toward Christ. If anything positive comes out of what I write, it is only by his grace. And, if I remain a Christian thinker, it is only because of the work of his Spirit in my life.

    Thank you both.
