the weblog of Alan Knox

More on Acts 29…

Posted by on Sep 9, 2007 in discipleship, edification, love | 4 comments

This morning, at 7:54 am, Dave Black published a list of people who would be included if Acts 29 was written. I’d like to add to his list.

Last night, our son, Jeremy, played in his first football game. He has wanted to play football for several years, and this is the first year that he has had the opportunity. His first game was in Raleigh, about 30-40 minutes south of us.

If Acts 29 was written, I think the families who travelled down to Raleigh to watch Jeremy play should be included. Not only did they travel 30-40 minutes each way and stay about 2 hours for Jeremy’s game, they were also very encouraging to both the players , the coaches, and the other parents. In fact, several parents noticed that we had a huge support section. There were more people there to support Jeremy than there were players on Jeremy’s team. These brothers and sisters know how to demonstrate their love for others. Some of them knew very little about football. But, they knew why they were there: because of their love for Jeremy.

I thank God for brothers and sisters like these.


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  1. 9-9-2007

    we were cheering him on in our hearts

    ed and leah

  2. 9-9-2007

    Ed and Leah,

    We know you would have been there if you could. Thank you for thinking about him.


  3. 9-13-2007

    Sounds like you “had church” at the football stadium! I think that’s great, Alan. Brothers and sisters in Christ enjoying time together, building relationships with one another and those around them. As the saying goes, “you just can’t get any better than this!”


    Bill Lollar
    The Thin Edge of the Wedge

  4. 9-13-2007


    Thank you for the comment. God has graciously surrounded us with incredible brothers and sisters who live out their faith every day. We have been the recipients of their love and service many times. I’m continually amazed at how the Spirit builds our relationships with one another.
