the weblog of Alan Knox

God Loves You 2

Posted by on Oct 2, 2007 in discipleship, love | 7 comments

Back in May, I posted “God Loves You“. It was fairly well received and seemed to help some people. I thought I would post a sequel.

So, this also goes out to all of my brothers and sisters in Christ:

To those who ask the wrong questions… God loves you!

To those who are ridiculed for being different and who stopped trying to look and act like everyone else… God loves you!

To those who have nothing to put into the offering plate… God loves you!

To those who would prefer not to sing in public… God loves you!

To those who fell asleep before the closing illustration of the third subpoint of the second section of the sermon from Leviticus… God loves you!

To those who like their tattoos, piercings, and long hair… God loves you!

To those who do not get excited about the latest publication by Rick Warren, Beverly Lewis, Max Lucado, Gary Chapman, or even D.A. Carson… God loves you!

To those whose children are not little angels… God loves you!

To those who are ignored or shunned or maligned by leadership… God loves you!

To those who have not memorized the books of the Bible, don’t know where Nineveh is located, and can’t pronounce the name Melchizedek… God loves you!

To those who have children but no spouse, a spouse but no children, or neither spouse nor children… God loves you!

To those who need a listening ear instead of a lecture, a friend with a helping hand instead of a ministry project coordinator, or someone with a gentle tongue instead of wrath and rhetoric… God loves you!

To those who are afraid to trust, afraid to care, afraid to love, or afraid to try… God loves you!

To those who want to follow God, but don’t fit any of the ministry categories… God loves you!

To those who missed “church” four weeks in a row and no one noticed… God loves you!

To those who need five hours of baby sitting instead of a 5 second hug or handshake… God loves you!

To those whose “Sunday best” includes tank tops, ripped jeans, and flip flops… God loves you!

To those who would prefer to have someone show them how to live faithfully instead of tell them to live faithfully… God loves you!

To those who feel burdened by those around them and are not allowed to rest in Christ… God loves you!

Can you imagine living in that kind of love every day, instead of the guilt and shame which we usually allow others and ourselves to subject us to?

Can you imagine offering that kind of love to everyone, instead of the conditional approval that we usually offer people?

God loves you.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 10-2-2007



  2. 10-2-2007

    What if I have tattoos and piercings but short hair? Seriously though, nice post.

  3. 10-3-2007


    To those who are doing their best to model servant-leadership to their church family, and are taking some hits because of it, God loves you!


  4. 10-3-2007


    Thank you. Your addition to my list encouraged me greatly today.


  5. 10-3-2007

    Me too Eric … Thanks.

  6. 10-23-2007

    I was incredibly inspired by these 2 posts of yours. At the Church where I am currntly serving, I publish a newsletter that circulates all over the country. Would you mind if I published these in one of the editions? Of course, I will give you the credit, so, don’t worry about that. I think that this will encourage many more people who have not and may not get the opportunity to visit your site. Please let me know, thanks, –michael

  7. 10-23-2007


    Yes, you can use them. And, I’m not concerned about the credit.
