the weblog of Alan Knox

Surprises at the Lake

Posted by on Oct 14, 2007 in community, fellowship, gathering, ordinances/sacraments | 2 comments

On Sundays, we rent a reception hall in downtown Wake Forest. Today, the reception hall was rented to someone else. So, we had to find another venue. We went through several options, and decided to rent a pavilion at Falls Lake.

The weather was perfect! And, although many of the people we usually meet with were out of town, several people met with us under the pavilion. It was very casual and very cozy. I enjoyed being in a different location. It is so easy to get comfortable doing to the same thing at the same place that we can forget why we gather together in the first place.

The meeting portion went as usual: we read alot of Scripture, sang some songs, had a teaching from Scripture, then allowed anyone who wanted to share a teaching or something that God was doing in their lives. Afterwards, we shard the Lord’s Supper as part of a meal which included grilled hamburgers and hotdogs.

The surprises came as we were eating. We noticed several cars driving by, and soon the surrounding parking lots were filled. A few of us walked over to see what was going on, and a Korean church from Raleigh was having a picnic. We had a great conversation with their pastor and were encouraged by the community that witnessed among those who gathered together.

There was another surprise as well. One sister had shared that her father was coming to the lake to baptize someone. After their church met and ate (they eat together every Sunday morning), several of them came to the pavilion where we were meeting. We walked down to the lake with them, and witnessed the baptism. It was awesome to hear how God had worked in the life of this new follower, and to be able to sing and pray together with other brothers and sisters in Christ. We usually baptize at this lake as well, but there was no one to baptize this time. It was a great surprise to be able to witness this baptism and take part in this brother’s new walk with Christ.

All in all, we had about 5 hours of fellowship, singing, Scripture, teaching, eating, community, and baptism – another great day.


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  1. 10-14-2007

    What a wonderful day…how amazing to see God working among the larger church body and how amazing that He allows us to share with one another.
    A question for you…if someone reads your blog and really likes your ideas on the church, and even likes the way it seems you do church with your church family, how would they go about looking for another local group similar to that? Are there any sort of networks out there that keep track of similar style churches? Any advice on where to start the hunt? We haven’t had any luck here, but often I want to point relocating friends in that direction, but don’t know how to search.

  2. 10-14-2007


    Yes, it was a wonderful day. It could have been better if we could have spent it with you and Ed and Samuel!

    I do not know of such a list. I would start the “hunt” with people you are already forming relationships with. I know that’s not an easy answer, but that’s where I would start. I’ll try to call you this week to talk about it.
