the weblog of Alan Knox

What is God doing in your life?

Posted by on Nov 8, 2007 in discipleship, edification | 11 comments

The title for this post is a question that I like to use when I’m talking to other believers. Sometimes I ask them, “What is God doing in your life?” Other times I’ve asked, “What has God been saying to you lately?” I’ve discussed this previously about six months ago in another post called “What is God doing in your life?” I find it very encouraging to hear how God is working in the lives of his people.

Many of us can look back and see what God has done in our life. This is important. In fact, throughout the Old Testament we see the prophets reminding God’s people what he had done for them. We should never stop looking back and thanking God for what he has done for us.

But, God is also active today. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that Jesus is living and active. We know that the Holy Spirit dwells within us and is constantly encouraging us on toward maturity in Jesus Christ. He have the Scriptures to show us what God’s people should look like and how they should act. God is active today.

So, I have found it beneficial to stop occasionally and ask myself (as I ask others), “What is God doing in my life?” and “What has God been saying to me lately?” As I’ve mentioned on this blog recently, God has been showing me what it means to reach out to believers who disagree with me or to those who are unbelievers.

So far, this has led to some frustration. I have been able to have some good conversations with brothers and sisters from different traditions, but these times have seemed rather forced and unnatural. Also, I have had some interaction with unbelievers, but again, these times were not as fluid as I think they should be.

However, as God has been teaching me, there have also been some wonderful moments, moments that seem to flow from the will of the Father instead of flowing from my own plans. These are the times that I’ve learned the most about the heart of the Father and the working of the Spirit. This is when I’m learning that God desires for his children to dwell together in unity, and that the Father loves those who are not part of his family. Also, it is during these “providentially ordained” moments that I learn to wait for God to move without trying to force or create something on my own.

So, what is God doing in your life? What has God been saying to you recently?


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 11-9-2007

    God has been saying, “Trust Me.” Since early October, my father has had a stroke; my siblings & I have worked together to provide care and have seen them move into an assisted living facility; my son-in-law’s father has had 2 heart attacks & his mother now requires surgery; our daughter & son-in-law (missionaries) are unexpectedly coming back from the Philippines to be with his parents.
    The Lord has given my parents the grace to leave their home of 65 years; He has given their children good relationships as we’ve worked together; He is providing a home for His servants as they arrive next week with their 5 children, and Grandpa & Grandma’s house is now available for them to use.
    When He says, “Trust Me”, He means it.

  2. 11-9-2007

    God has been saying, “Trust Me.” Since early October, my father has had a stroke; my siblings & I have worked together to provide care and have seen them move into an assisted living facility; my son-in-law’s father has had 2 heart attacks & his mother now requires surgery; our daughter & son-in-law (missionaries) are unexpectedly coming back from the Philippines to be with his parents.
    The Lord has given my parents the grace to leave their home of 65 years; He has given their children good relationships as we’ve worked together; He is providing a home for His servants as they arrive next week with their 5 children, and Grandpa & Grandma’s house is now available for them to use.
    When He says, “Trust Me”, He means it.

  3. 11-9-2007

    God has been saying, “Trust Me.” Since early October, my father has had a stroke; my siblings & I have worked together to provide care and have seen them move into an assisted living facility; my son-in-law’s father has had 2 heart attacks & his mother now requires surgery; our daughter & son-in-law (missionaries) are unexpectedly coming back from the Philippines to be with his parents.
    The Lord has given my parents the grace to leave their home of 65 years; He has given their children good relationships as we’ve worked together; He is providing a home for His servants as they arrive next week with their 5 children, and Grandpa & Grandma’s house is now available for them to use.
    When He says, “Trust Me”, He means it.

  4. 11-9-2007

    God has been saying, “Trust Me.” Since early October, my father has had a stroke; my siblings & I have worked together to provide care and have seen them move into an assisted living facility; my son-in-law’s father has had 2 heart attacks & his mother now requires surgery; our daughter & son-in-law (missionaries) are unexpectedly coming back from the Philippines to be with his parents.
    The Lord has given my parents the grace to leave their home of 65 years; He has given their children good relationships as we’ve worked together; He is providing a home for His servants as they arrive next week with their 5 children, and Grandpa & Grandma’s house is now available for them to use.
    When He says, “Trust Me”, He means it.

  5. 11-9-2007

    God has been saying, “Trust Me.” Since early October, my father has had a stroke; my siblings & I have worked together to provide care and have seen them move into an assisted living facility; my son-in-law’s father has had 2 heart attacks & his mother now requires surgery; our daughter & son-in-law (missionaries) are unexpectedly coming back from the Philippines to be with his parents.
    The Lord has given my parents the grace to leave their home of 65 years; He has given their children good relationships as we’ve worked together; He is providing a home for His servants as they arrive next week with their 5 children, and Grandpa & Grandma’s house is now available for them to use.
    When He says, “Trust Me”, He means it.

  6. 11-9-2007

    God has been saying, “Trust Me.” Since early October, my father has had a stroke; my siblings & I have worked together to provide care and have seen them move into an assisted living facility; my son-in-law’s father has had 2 heart attacks & his mother now requires surgery; our daughter & son-in-law (missionaries) are unexpectedly coming back from the Philippines to be with his parents.
    The Lord has given my parents the grace to leave their home of 65 years; He has given their children good relationships as we’ve worked together; He is providing a home for His servants as they arrive next week with their 5 children, and Grandpa & Grandma’s house is now available for them to use.
    When He says, “Trust Me”, He means it.

  7. 11-9-2007

    God has been saying, “Trust Me.” Since early October, my father has had a stroke; my siblings & I have worked together to provide care and have seen them move into an assisted living facility; my son-in-law’s father has had 2 heart attacks & his mother now requires surgery; our daughter & son-in-law (missionaries) are unexpectedly coming back from the Philippines to be with his parents.
    The Lord has given my parents the grace to leave their home of 65 years; He has given their children good relationships as we’ve worked together; He is providing a home for His servants as they arrive next week with their 5 children, and Grandpa & Grandma’s house is now available for them to use.
    When He says, “Trust Me”, He means it.

  8. 11-9-2007

    I think God is “saying” to me: “Hold on, it’s about to get turbulent”… that’s what always happens when change comes into my life.

  9. 11-9-2007


    That’s very interesting… this is exactly what I found when I studied the churches of Revelation. When people were facing hard times, Jesus said simply, “Hold fast”.


    It seems that Jesus is saying “Trust me”/”Hold fast” to you as well as to Kathy above. How well have you managed times of change in the past, and how have you managed to “hold on”?


  10. 2-11-2008

    God has been saying to me, “keep your eyes on Jesus”. I know that at times lately I have focused more on my problems than I have on Jesus.

    Right now, God is doing a lot of pruning in my life.

  11. 2-11-2008


    Yes… pruning can be difficult. But, when God removes distractions, it can make it easier to “keep our eyes on Jesus”, as you said. Thank you.
