the weblog of Alan Knox

Meeting another new friend

Posted by on Dec 4, 2007 in blog links, discipleship, edification, gathering | 6 comments

Monday, we had the opportunity to meet David Rogers who publishes the blog “Love Each Stone“. David and I are not sure when we first “met” one another online, but I know that we have been commenting on one another’s blogs for over a year.

Anyway, David was coming to town for a couple of days, so we had several opportunities to spend time together on Monday. First, David and I had lunch at The Court, which is a small cafe on campus. That night, Margaret and I took him to dinner. After dinner, we took David back to our house where a few friends joined us to talk for a couple of hours.

For those who may have read David’s blog, I want you to know that he is as gracious and kind in person as he is on his blog. Our family and our friends all enjoyed spending time with David, getting to know him better, hearing about what God has been doing in Spain, and listening to some possible plans for the future. David and I have often discussed the church, and especially unity between believers. We’ve agreed more times than we’ve disagreed, but I’ve even enjoyed the interaction when we disagree. He’s always very respectful and thought-provoking.

I’m thinking through several conversations that we had – conversations that will probably lead to blog posts after I have more time to think through them. (If I get these stories wrong, then I hope David or someone who was with us will help me out.)

David told us that in some Spanish towns of 50-100,000 people, there may only be 70 or so followers of Jesus Christ. Whenever these believers meet one another on the street, they are very excited to see one another. This makes me wonder why we do not have the same excitement when we see one another. Is the excitement a work of the Spirit? If so, we have the same Spirit. Is the excitement something other than the Spirit? If so, what is it?

David also mentioned that while they were in Spain, there were two groups of believers who met together regularly. One group was charismatic, including speaking in tongues. The other group was not charismatic – they did not speak in tongues. When they met together, the charismatic group chose not to speak in tongues in deference to the other believers. I think this is a wonderful example of preferring others as more important than ourselves. I think this showed amazing maturity for the charismatic group. I wonder if the believers that I know and meet with regularly would show the same maturity if we met with a group who differed in some ways.

I may discuss these two issues again later. But, for now, I’ll say that my family and our friends are hoping to spend time with David Rogers again. Perhaps we will be able to meet his family this time.

To see a few pictures, visit the post “Meeting another new friend” on our family blog.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 12-4-2007

    Alan & Margaret,

    It was such a blessing to get to meet you in person! You were wonderful hosts! I also hope we will have more opportunities to spend time together. I loved meeting your friends too.

  2. 12-5-2007


    I think you got the stories right for the most part, but perhaps I should add in a little clarification.

    My point about meeting believers in the street is it seems to me that, for some reason, when we as believers occupy the role of a significant minority in the local community in which we live, our practical unity with all the other believers in our locality seems to become more important. When, however, a larger percentage, or even majority, of the local community, are also believers, we tend to gravitate towards only those with whom we share agreement on minor points of doctrine, and/or meet together on a regular basis.

    My question is: Is this just a natural consequence of human sociology and group dynamics? Or is there something about true biblical unity that ought to transcend these natural, human tendencies?

    Also, in our “united meetings” between the Baptist church and Pentecostal church in Badajoz, Spain, there was an informal, unwritten agreement to not do things that might unnecessarily antagonize those of the other group. Thus, the believers from the Pentecostal church would not publicly speak in tongues, and those in both churches would avoid addressing certain issues that they knew were sticking points between the two groups.

    Actually, in practically all the interdenominational, and even some denominational, meetings in which I have participated, the same general rules have applied.

    Yet, I think that where there truly is unity, there must be freedom, at least in some context, to openly discuss controversial questions as well. Where dissent is totally banned, you don’t have unity, but rather totalitarian uniformity.

    I do think there is a time and a place for everything, though, and the believers in the Pentecostal church did indeed show maturity and sensitivity to not make their belief and practice of tongues a public issue in that particular context.

  3. 12-5-2007

    In my second comment, instead of “significant minority” I meant to say “very small minority.”

  4. 12-5-2007


    It sounds like you had a great time, sorry I wasn’t able to make it.


    Sorry I wasn’t able to meet you. It was actually my first day on 1st shift (after being on 2nd shift for 9 months). So I decided to spend it with my wife. I’m sure our paths will cross in the future. Alan has already shared with me some of the stories from Monday night. Sounds like you have had some pretty interesting things happen through the Lord.

    God’s Glory,

  5. 12-5-2007


    Thanks for adding to your stories. I’m still thinking about the implications of these two stories in particular. I look forward to discussing these issues and more in the future.


    Don’t blame Kati for you being a slacker. Seriously, its good that you chose to spend that time with your wife. See you soon.


  6. 12-7-2007


    I agree with Alan you probably made a good choice.

    I look forward to meeting you at another time though.