the weblog of Alan Knox

Christians and Politics

Posted by on Jan 19, 2008 in blog links | Comments Off on Christians and Politics

My good friend Lew from “The Pursuit” is in the middle of a very thought-provoking series concerning Christians and Government. Specifically, he is asking if Christians should participate in government and politics. If I understand him correctly, his thesis is that when Christians participate in politics, they place unnecessary barriers between the world and the gospel.

The posts and the discussion in the comments have been very good. Primarily, reading through the posts and comments, I have been forced to think about 1) my expectations from the government, and 2) my responsibilities toward the gospel regardless of the stance of the government. I think Lew plans at least three more posts in this series. I think you will enjoy and be challenged by reading this series:

1. Christians and Government
2. Christians and Politics
3. Christians and Voting
4. Christians and Lobbying

I hope you enjoy this series as much as I am.