the weblog of Alan Knox

Ecclesiology FAQ

Posted by on Jan 1, 2008 in community, definition, edification, elders, fellowship, gathering, office, unity | Comments Off on Ecclesiology FAQ

Ecclesiology is one of my interests, and my primary academic pursuit. Ecclesiology is the branch of biblical and theological study that deals with the church. Since this blog is primarily about ecclesiology and since people often ask me what I think about certain topics, I thought I would give links to my blog posts that deal with the most common aspects of the study of the church and the answers to the most comment questions that I’m asked.

1. The Nature of the Church

“Definition” label
Defining the Church (part 1)“, “part 2“, “part 3“, “part 4“, “part 5
Minimalist Definition of the Church
Historical Ecclesiology

2. Local/Universal Church

Local or Universal?
How does God view the church in your city?
The ekklesia in context
Local church in Scripture

3. Church Leadership (Pastors, Elders, Bishops, Deacons, etc.)

“Elders” label
Elders (part 1)“, “part 2“, “part 3“, “part 4“, “part 5“, “part 6“, “part 7
Series – Should elders/pastors be paid a salary? “part 1“, “part 2“, “part 3“, “part 4“, “summary
What does a bishop oversee?
What does a non-bishop oversee?
Exercising Authority
Ruling or Leading?
Obey and Submit? (Hebrews 13:17)
To Deacon or Not to Deacon

4. Institutions, Structures, and Organizations

The Church or the Organization
Am I against church programs?
Models and Mehods and Forms, oh my
Creating Church Organization
Old Testament Structures and the Church

5. The Church Meeting and Edification

“Gathering” label
“Edification” label
Messy Meetings
What if we met to edify one another?
Distractions to Worship?
Here I am to worship
But I have perfect attendance
Edification (part 1)“, “part 2“, “part 3“, “part 4“, “part 5“, “part 6

6. Fellowship, Community, and Unity

“Fellowship” label
“Community” label
“Unity” label
Community in name only?
A Common Table
The depths of community
The unhypocritical church (part 1)“, “part 2“, “part 3
Look also to the interest of others