the weblog of Alan Knox

Let’s all stand and worship

Posted by on Jan 12, 2008 in blog links, worship | 1 comment

Over at “Hammer and Nail“, my friend Eric continues his series on “Church Reform” by looking at worship in his latest post called “Church Reform – Worship“. This post is primarily about the way that church leaders teach people that worship only occurs at certain times and in certain places. Primarily, this teaching occurs through the traditional use of language, with terms such as “worship center”, “worship service”, “worship leader”, etc.

Eric asks some great questions:

So what can we do to help our fellow Christians see that worship is not just singing on Sunday? What can we do to help our brothers and sisters in Christ realize that worship is not supposed to be isolated blips occurring here and there? Can we do anything to assist others is realizing that worship is a way of life?

He also has some good responses. He suggests first that all of us need to live our lives in worship to God. He also says that we should teach and remind people of the importance of recognize all of life as a response to God, and that worship should take place at all times. Finally, he says that we need to rename things. As Eric points out, the way we use words affects the way that we believe and act.

Take the time to read Eric’s post, and the entire series.

One Comment

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  1. 1-13-2008


    Thank you for the shout-out (again).

    I hope all is well in NC.
