the weblog of Alan Knox

New Testament Church Workshop

Posted by on Jan 4, 2008 in edification, elders, gathering, ordinances/sacraments | 12 comments

Steve Atkerson of the New Testament Reformation Fellowship (NTRF) is holding “A Biblically-based workshop on New Testament Church Life” in Smithfield, NC on Friday, February 8 and Saturday, February 9 (Note: The dates have changed). The conference is free, but registration is required.

While the conference is called a “House Church Workshop“, the topics appear to be applicable to many different meeting locations. Here are some of the topics:

  • The Lord’s Supper as a Celebratory Fellowship Meal
  • Participatory Church Meetings
  • Elder-Led Congregational Consensus
  • Apostolic Traditions & New Testament Patterns

I have not decided if I am going to attend this conference. If you decide to attend the conference, please let me know. (HT: House Church Unplugged)


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 1-4-2008


    My wife and I are going. It would be great to have you there for fellowship and discernment. You should also meet Steve Atkerson. He’s a great brother that is very, very like-minded.

  2. 1-4-2008


    Thank you for letting me know. I’m hoping that if I go to the conference that several other people from here will go with me.


  3. 1-5-2008


    I’m planning on going. Hope to see you there.


  4. 1-5-2008


    Thank you for the comment. I’m closer to deciding to go to the conference. If I go, I would love to meet you.


  5. 1-6-2008

    The date of the workshop has been changed to the following weekend, the 8th and 9th.

    I checked their website today.

  6. 1-7-2008

    David (ded),

    Thank you for the update!


  7. 1-7-2008

    Christy and I are making plans at this point to try to attend. It would be great to see you again, Alan!

  8. 1-8-2008


    Are you able to talk David (ded) into coming with you this time?

    It will be good to see you and Christy again!


  9. 1-9-2008

    Alan, I don’t have any authority in our fellowship. I haven’t worked up the ladder or hierarchy yet! 😉

  10. 1-24-2008

    Hi Alan

    This is Steve Atkerson. Thanks for the plug for the NC workshop! I think you should come! : )


  11. 1-25-2008

    Wish I could go! (sob,sob)

  12. 1-26-2008


    Thank you for the comment. I have registered for the conference, so, God willing, I will be attending. I look forward to meeting you.

    Aussie John,

    Actually, Margaret, my wife, has mentioned how much she would like to come to Australia to meet you. I wish we could do that!
