the weblog of Alan Knox

Another update on my mother

Posted by on May 23, 2008 in personal | 4 comments

A couple of days ago, I asked my readers to “Please pray for my mother” because she was having problems with her memory and being confused last Wednesday morning. After being taken to the hospital, she was diagnosed with Transient Global Amnesia (see “Update on my mother“), which affects short term memory for a few hours up to a day.

Today, she is feeling much better. She says that she still has a “blah” feeling, but she sounds and acts much better. She also has much more energy than she did yesterday. She still can’t remember much of what happened on Wednesday, and the doctors say she may never remember that day. But, she is able to remember things now. Her memory seems to be working properly.

Thank you again for everyone who is praying for our family. We appreciate your prayer very much!


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  1. 5-23-2008

    Glad to hear she is doing better. Will continue to keep her in prayers.

  2. 5-23-2008

    Thanks for the update Alan, glad to hear she’s getting better.

  3. 5-23-2008

    Mark and Brandon,

    Thank you for the prayers and the comments.


  4. 5-23-2008

    Thanks for keeping us updated Alan.

    I’ve missed you online!

    Prayers and Love,