the weblog of Alan Knox

He’s so pretty

Posted by on May 7, 2008 in discipleship, love | 3 comments

A couple of days ago, Margaret made dinner for a young couple who recently had a baby. When we took the food over to their house, it was exciting to see the young mother’s reaction to her son. She was so in love with that little boy!

This reminded both of us of Margaret’s reaction when Jeremy was born… over 14 years ago now (wow!). She was very nervous about being a first time mother. She wasn’t sure that she would know what to do with a baby. But, after Jeremy was born, she quickly became a wonderful mother.

The best memory that I had of that time in our life is that when I came home from work, I would often find Margaret sitting in a chair, looking into the bassinet where Jeremy was sleeping. Many times, she would be crying. I would ask, “What’s wrong?” She would look up at me with big tears welling up in her eyes and say, “He’s so pretty!”

She loved that little boy so much! (Of course, she loved Miranda very much when she was born a few years later.)

Don’t get me wrong… it was hard work being first time parents – as those of you with children know! But, that hard work was worth it when you looked at that tiny little person who was a part of you both. Our love for our children compelled us to work hard to take care of them, to demonstrate that love – not just by staring at them and proclaiming, “He’s so pretty,” but also by giving up our time, energy, resources, etc..

When I think about this… when I think about how much Margaret and I both love our children… and when I think especially about Margaret’s maternal love for her children (with Mother’s Day quickly approaching)… I can’t help but think that God’s love for us is so much stronger than the love any mother has for her child.

I realize that this is not a deep post, nor is it original. But, I appreciated being reminded of God’s great love for us, and I thought I would take this opportunity to remind you as well: God loves you.


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  1. 5-7-2008

    Amen Brother! Too often we forget, or minimize in our minds, the deep love Father has for us. Paul prayed that the Ephesians would be strengthened in their inner beings to know how wide and long and high and deep that love is.

  2. 5-7-2008

    That comment above is from me (Larry Eiss) I clicking in the wrong place and posted it prematurely.

  3. 5-7-2008


    Thanks for the comment. As much as we think we may understand God’s love – we don’t… it is wider, longer, higher, and deeper than we can ever imagine!
