the weblog of Alan Knox

Thinking about "city church"

Posted by on May 12, 2008 in chain blog, definition | 5 comments

A few weeks ago, I proposed an idea that I called “Chain Blogging“. I plan to start my first “chain blog” on Monday, May 26 around the topic of “city church” – that is, the church in a city. We see this concept in Scripture (the church in Ephesus, the church in Colossae, the church in Jerusalem, the church in Antioch), but how do we apply this idea today? I’m announcing the chain blog now so that those who want to take part can begin thinking about and studying this topic.

To keep things simple this time, here are the rules:

  1. I will publish a blog post on Monday, May 26 on the topic of “city church”.
  2. The first person that leaves a comment requesting to write the next link in the chain will then be responsible for writing that post and letting us know here that you’ve written it (preferably within 3 or 4 days). The next link can be in response to my post, or a further discussion of the topic, or it can branch to a related topic.
  3. Discussion can continue in the comments on my post while the next link in the chain is being written.
  4. #1-#3 will continue as long as people have interest in this topic.

By the way, as I see it, anyone is welcome to take part, either by posting comments, or by requesting to write the next link post in the chain. You do not have to “sign up” to take part.

However, I would like to know who is interested in this topic, and who will consider writing one or more posts in the chain as their have opportunity. So, if you think this sounds interesting, please leave a comment here.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 5-13-2008


    As you know already, this is a topic that has been of interest to me for some time. I will most likely participate, but I don’t want to commit right now quite yet, until I know what my schedule is going to permit.

  2. 5-13-2008


    I don’t know if anyone else will take part, but I’m going to start with a blog on the topic of “city church” on May 26. I hope you have time to participate.


  3. 5-14-2008

    I am leaving to go to the US on the 26th so this is rotten timing for me. Bring it up again in a few weeks when I am settled in and I would be glad to participate.

  4. 5-17-2008


    I mentioned earlier that I would be interested and I still am. I am not sure what direction you are going to head with the post.

    I am looking forward to reading and hopefully joining in, if you could drop a “clairty” on me, I would appreciate it as I am jotting down a few thoughts.

  5. 5-17-2008


    The first post will be on the 26th, but I hope there will be several other posts after that. Maybe you can write a post as a link in the chain after the 26th.


    My first post mainly asks questions about the “city church”. Hopefully, those questions will fuel some ideas for people to write about.
