the weblog of Alan Knox

As long as

Posted by on Jun 28, 2008 in blog links, definition, discipleship, edification, elders, gathering, office, service, worship | 6 comments

This is from Dave Black:

As long as there is a strong emphasis on church membership rather than on Christian witness and sacrifice…

As long as the book of Acts is ignored in favor of books on church growth and mission strategy…

As long as worship is something we attend rather than something we do…

As long as the focus is on “missionaries” rather than on the whole people of God…

As long as the gathered church refuses to be the scattered church…

As long as Christians believe that church is a place of solace rather than a place of work…

As long as planning and decision-making is entrusted solely to the leadership…

As long as interest in humanity and the world is replaced by self-interest…

As long as we identify “minister” with clergy status…

As long as the pastor remains “the answer man”…

As long as we refuse to acknowledge that the Old Testament distinction between priest and people has come to an end…

As long as we love our churches and our organizations more than we love Jesus…

As long as we go to church in the mood of a spectator and not a participant…

…the church will never be a freed and freeing Body, equipping all believers to be agents of the kingdom of God.


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  1. 6-28-2008

    Very well put!! And, there’s plenty of blame to go around.

    Many christians are all too content to just sit there. But, many in leadership are content for those many christians who just sit, there to sit there.

    As long as christians put up with what is, the body of Christ will never know what could be.

  2. 6-28-2008

    Thanks for linking that. That was a great read.

  3. 6-28-2008

    Gary and Mark,

    Thanks for the comments. I’m glad that he’s my PhD mentor!


  4. 6-28-2008

    Good stuff to remember brother.

  5. 6-28-2008


    What a refreshing breeze.

  6. 6-28-2008

    Scott and Aussie John,

    I agree. Dave Black is definitely a breath of fresh air.
