the weblog of Alan Knox

Interrelational Discussion Group – Scripture

Posted by on Jun 17, 2008 in fellowship, gathering, scripture | Comments Off on Interrelational Discussion Group – Scripture

Two friends of mine have started an “Interrelational Discussion Group” to interact over various topics of interest. They want these biweekly (every two weeks) meetings to become opportunities for people to build stronger relationships, and opportunities to discuss practical aspects of the topic for that meeting. They started three or four weeks ago with a meeting to discuss their goals and agenda. Then, a couple of weeks ago, they met to discuss the Christian’s ethical response to the ecology (I mentioned this meeting briefly in a post called “Eco-Theology and Discipleship“).

The next meeting will be Sunday evening, June 22, at 7:00 pm, and the topic will be Scripture. If you will be in the Wake Forest, NC area that evening, and if you’d like to take part in the discussion and fellowship, send me an email for more information. (My email address is in the right side-bar of my blog.)

Remember, these discussions may start theoretically, but the desire of the organizers is to move to the practical. If you make a statement about Scripture, be prepared to answer the question, “How does that statement affect how you live?”