the weblog of Alan Knox

Begging to be used…

Posted by on Aug 26, 2008 in blog links, discipleship | 1 comment

God has placed so many wonderful people in my life. I like to introduce my readers to them whenever possible.

One of those people is Amber who blogs at “an examined life“. In her latest post, called “From My Heart“, Amber describes part of journey as she prepared to move overseas to proclaim the good news. She plans to go overseas as a missionary with the International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention. As she prepared, she had hoped to move to Rome, but the positions in Rome filled before she could claim one. I love the way Amber responded to this challenge. She explains:

Some of you know that I recently found out they no longer have a job for me in Rome. This has definitely been a blow since it has been on my mind and heart for the last 7 months. Once again, I felt like God was giving me all green lights and then slammed them red at the last minute! (I repented of this by-the-way!) It is so hard to see what God is doing in the midst of confusing situations, but there is something specific he has revealed, obliterated, and is now reconstructing in my heart.

Throughout the IMB process, they ask you in every form possible how you know you are called to missions. I have seen God’s hand leading me to this point for many reasons (that I won’t go into now) and I have known for a while that the Lord wanted me to “go.” I was following him in obedience and submission. That’s how its supposed to be, right? Yes, but there is more…

When I lost the Rome job, the cry of my heart dramatically changed. It was no longer, “okay, God, I’ll follow you in obedience where ever you have me” but “Oh, God, please send me!” I was no longer “allowing” myself to be used by him, I was begging.

If only this could be the cry of all of our hearts… We don’t deserve it, but God, would you use us? Today? Wherever we are? To whomever we meet?

One Comment

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  1. 8-26-2008

    This post reminds me of the encounter that Isaiah has in the year that King Uzziah died.

    And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”
    (Isa 6:8)

    Indeed may we beg to be used.