the weblog of Alan Knox

Churches working together?

Posted by on Aug 4, 2008 in service | 7 comments

Whodathunkit? I saw this article in the online version of the local newspaper. It is exciting to see churches from different traditional backgrounds working together to care for their community.

This article is about Mission Quake, a group of churches who are working together on various projects around the city. The article focuses on work to restore one woman’s home.

Here’s a great quote from the article:

The whole idea of Mission Quake is to realize that God is not Methodist, Catholic, Baptist or any of those denominations. He extends beyond that.

I plan to call this week to find out more about Mission Quake. Is there something like this in your area? Are you involved?


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  1. 8-4-2008

    I tried, but nobody wanted to do stuff together. the local pastors want to meet and pray for unity, but not do anything about it.

  2. 8-4-2008

    I didn’t know anyone who was interested in working together until I read this article. I think there are others around, and I’m hoping this helps us make contacts and build relationships with other believers around the city.


  3. 8-4-2008


    our churches do a great job working and partnering together. one of the great things that occurs is caring for those in the lower-income bracket.

    we all have our “separate” ministries; food pantries, dinners and ….. and they are all on different days and different meals so those less fortunate can go and get most days provided and each church has pamphlets with when the other churches are doing things on that day.

    we also have an interfaith partnership in towns, so others (beside christians)partner and really work on social injustice programs.

    i am on vac so i do not have the info handy – but i can post some info sometime.

  4. 8-4-2008


    Yes, please do post something about how the churches in your ares work together. Thank you!


  5. 8-5-2008


    Check out Summit Church started it and now there are several churches involved that work together to serve the community of Durham. Not all the churches involved are Baptist.


  6. 8-5-2008


    Coming together as the body of Christ to provide practical helps to the community is a great idea. As long as it was not a cult (Mormon, etc) I’d be good to go if I knew of something like this in our area.

  7. 8-5-2008


    Thanks for the link to Hope for Durham.


    I understand your concern about cults.
