the weblog of Alan Knox

Equipping and Being Equipped

Posted by on Aug 29, 2008 in blog links, edification, gathering | 6 comments

Lionel, at “A Better Covenant“, recently wrote a post called “Equipping ourselves out of a position: A case for mutuality“. Some are saying that this is Lionel’s best post yet. I think they may be correct.

This is how Lionel concludes his post:

Anyway this is my struggle and what I have spent a great deal of time praying and studying about. I think this is what I desire. If I were to plant a church my ultimate goal is to see the church function free of me and other leaders. I would want someone to walk in and not know who is who unless something got out of line. I would want the younger brothers and sisters (non-positioned) to be able to bring a word of encouragement and exhort the assembly with something they have been studying and applying in their daily lives. I would want the children to speak freely about what Lord was doing with them on their sports teams and schools and what the Lord has been teaching them throughout the week. I would want a church free of pulpits but saturated with sound biblical, orthodox theology. Christ centered and priesthood heavy. I would want a church that all saints are equipped to minister to one another without fear. I would want a church that if all the elders died tomorrow there are enough mature man and women who could step up and ensure it functions biblically and wouldn’t skip a beat.

Again maybe I am wrong or a hopeless romantic but as I read this is what I see and I think anything short of it robs the saints of their gifts and cripples the doctrine of the priesthood. I hope this clears up anything that sounded to forceful or condescending. God bless. And I would ask that you pray that God would give me wisdom and an ear to hear His voice.

What a church that would be! A church where everyone works to build up everyone else. Maybe I can dream with you, Lionel.


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  1. 8-29-2008

    Usher: To seek the furthering of the gospel over preservation of office is not romantic, it is right! Wonderful post!

  2. 8-29-2008


    My sentiments exactly!

    May the our Father give us more of you fellows and fellowesses 🙂

  3. 8-29-2008

    Deacon and/or Usher,

    Yes, it was a wonderful post.

    Aussie John,

    Amen! And may he continue to lead us all toward maturity in his son.


  4. 8-29-2008

    I’ve wondered the same but from a slightly different perspective. If I or one of our leaders had to move on or end our responsibilities, what would be the church’s “recovery time”? I think his post is nicely in line with Eph. 4.

  5. 8-31-2008

    I’m agree with Lionel 100%. This is pretty much the way the Lord has been showing me that a congregation should look.


  6. 9-3-2008

    Dear Alan: Thanks a lot. No, really, thanks. I thought it was bad enough being challenged by your blog and getting excited about putting some things into practice and reflecting on how we do church and prayerfully considering issues.

    Now you reference this Lionel dude, who I’d already read with some thoughts on your posts. I read his stuff, and come across this selfsame entry and there we go again. More stuff to pray about and consider carefully. If you could read the notes I made on what I read they basically said if we were to take this on board our whole way of church would be radically different.

    Praise God for practitioners and thinkers like yourselves who love God, His Son and His Word and desire to see these followed for His glory. Thanks for sharing.

    da man cd