the weblog of Alan Knox

Fall 2008

Posted by on Aug 9, 2008 in personal | 4 comments

A new semester starts next week at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. On the one hand, since this should be my last academic year of PhD seminars, I’m excited to get started this semester. On the other hand, I have enjoyed the opportunities to spend time with my wife and friends during the summer when I was not taking classes.

This semester, I’ll be taking two PhD seminars: Hermeneutics with Dr. Andreas Köstenberger and New Testament Canon with Dr. Scott Kellum. I’ll also be taking Mentor Directed Studies with Dr. David Black, my PhD mentor. So, I’ll be taking more seminars than normal.

I’m teaching Greek again this semester in the college. Also, they’ve asked me to teach a section in Introduction to Computers. This is a new course for me, so it should be very exciting. But, again, I’m teaching more than normal.

Finally, I’m teaching a home school high school course in Latin for my son and some of his friends. This should be a great way for me to keep up with my Latin, as well as another opportunity to teach. But, again, this is more than I usually do.

So, all in all, this will be a very busy semester. Add my full time job as a web developer, spending time with my family, and caring for others, and my head is already spinning. Thank God that he has given me a great family (especially my wife), and good friends, who all help me stay balanced and focused on loving God and loving others.


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  1. 8-9-2008

    Great schedule, Alan. So how much time will this leave for er um blogging?:)

  2. 8-9-2008


    During classes, my blogging usually comes from what I’m studying. I’ll probably blog about as often as usual. But, if I don’t have enough time with my family, then commenting and writing blogs will be the first to be cut back.


  3. 8-9-2008

    I hope you can still blog. You have been a blessing in my life.

  4. 8-10-2008


    Thank you for the encouragement. As long as I’m studying, I’ll probably be writing. And, as long as I’m writing, I’ll probably be blogging. For me… they all go together. 🙂
