the weblog of Alan Knox

Live blogging…

Posted by on Aug 15, 2008 in blog links, community, synchroblog | Comments Off on Live blogging…

We interrupt the regular scheduled blog posts…

Normally, I schedule blog posts several days in advance. I schedule a post for midnight. Then, if I have another post – usually shorter and usually linking and responding to another blogger – I will schedule it for sometime between noon and 2:00 p.m. (I’ve been testing different afternoon post times to see if the post time affects the number of readers and comments. So far, there is very little difference between one time and another.)

However, today, I am not working. So, I am “live blogging”… meaning, I am writing this post on Friday afternoon, and I will publish it as soon as I’ve finished writing it. Scary… cutting edge… unheard of… I know, right!

Here are a few blog posts that I have appreciated:

Alan Bandy, from “Café Apocalypsis“, is now working in the PhD department at SEBTS. He has written a very helpful article called “Retrospective Tips for Completing a Ph.D. Prospectus and Dissertation“. This is a very timely article for me, because, God willing, I will finish my PhD seminars, take the comprehensive exams, and turn in my prospectus by next Spring.

I recently linked to an article by my friend Renata about community during the everyday aspects of life (see “A great example of community“). Now Eddie, at “Pressing On“, has written about community while walking around a lake in a post called “Church at Greenfield“.

Finally, Phil, at “Square No More“, explained what all this synchroblog stuff is about in a post called “What is a Synchroblog?” Read his post, go to this link, and join us in the next synchroblog. Synchroblogginess makes your blog cool.