the weblog of Alan Knox

Monday Surprise!

Posted by on Nov 4, 2008 in love, service | 1 comment

On Monday afternoons, I teach a computer class. Yesterday, when I returned to my office, a friend of mine (Thanks, Paul!) had left several bags of cupcake brownies wrapped and tied bows. He left a note that said that when these were given to him, he thought about our friend Cathy and her neighbors. He asked if we would deliver them. (See my post from yesterday, “No produce, just relationships” for more information about Cathy and her neighborhood.)

Margaret was already cooking dinner for Tina, one of Cathy’s neighbors who is having health problems. So, when we took Tina’s dinner to her Monday night, we also delievered the brownies to the people in the neighborhood on behalf of our friend Paul.

It was a great surprise to receive the brownies from Paul. It was also a great surprise to read in his note that he was thinking about Cathy and her neighbors. Then, it was another surprise to be able to visit with Cathy and her neighbors for a few minutes Monday night.

One Comment

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  1. 11-4-2008

    I love the servant’s heart I see in all involved.

    Thanks for sharing and convicting me to be more of a servant myself.