the weblog of Alan Knox

Thanksgiving Carols – Something Smells

Posted by on Nov 25, 2008 in personal | 4 comments

A few years ago, our family and a friend were lamenting that fact that stores and radio stations were already playing Christmas music even though it was still weeks before Thanksgiving. But, then we realized that there really were no good Thanksgiving songs – at least, not like the foot-tapping Christmas songs. So, we wrote some Thanksgiving Carols of our own, to the tune of popular Christmas songs. I hope you enjoy these, and feel free to sing them with your family and friends around your Thanksgiving dinner.


Something Smells
(to the tune of Silver Bells)

Something Smells
Something Smells
Have you just burned all our dinner
Should I spray
The stink away
And have a take-out Thanksgiving Day

Cooking turkey, cooking dressing
Cooking dish after dish
In the air there’s the smell of Thanksgiving
Baking brownies, and a few pies
We’ll have all that you wish
But eventually everyone hears


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  1. 11-25-2008

    You are a great teacher of biblical application and an effective “challenger” to the Church…but, maybe songwriting isn’t your gift. 🙂
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. 11-25-2008


    I’m deeply offended! 🙂

    Maybe this song just hits a little too close to home for you?


  3. 11-25-2008

    Alan, I think someone is missing their calling as a full-time worship leader/minister of music.

  4. 11-25-2008


    Now, THAT’s scary!
