the weblog of Alan Knox

Angel Tree

Posted by on Dec 20, 2008 in love, service | 4 comments

I’m proud of our small church family. We’re not very big in number, but we care about people. And, we don’t just say that we love people, we actually demonstrate our love for people.

The most recent demonstration occurred in the last few weeks. Our family and some friends have been spending time in a government assisted housing development. Several families who live in that development have kids – nine children in all. We asked if we could do an “angel tree” for the kids.

If you’re not familiar with an “angel tree” its where you put the name of a child and a gift on a cutout of an angel. You ask people to take an angel and to buy that gift for the child. We made an angel tree for the nine children with two or three gifts for each child – more than twenty gifts total.

This week our little church family (around 60 at most including kids) purchased all of the gifts for these children. We’re so excited to be able to give a little to these families. And, we’re even more excited that we actually KNOW the families that we’re serving and that we will continue to have opportunities to interact with them.


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  1. 12-20-2008

    Curious, why not include the adults?

  2. 12-20-2008

    We have done this in the past, it is a great organization. Many of these children have both parents in prison and these are the only gifts they get.

    We went a different route in our giving this year, but Angel Tree will be in the picture again in the future.

  3. 12-20-2008


    Actually, our family gave gifts to some of the adults as well. We invited the church to help us give gifts to the children.


    We didn’t go through the Angel Tree organization.


  4. 12-21-2008

    Hi Alan

    Just stumbled across your blog this morning- and man alive it has been invigorating!

    I have just scanned through some past posts and can’t wait to sink my teeth into more of your writings.

    Thanks for being a blessing and keep up the good work!
