the weblog of Alan Knox

Loving with Lionel

Posted by on Dec 11, 2008 in blog links, discipleship, love, service | 2 comments

Are any of my readers in the Dallas area? If so, why not join Lionel (of “A Better Covenant“) and others on December 21st in demonstrating the love of God to the homeless of Dallas? Lionel tells about his plans in a post called “Downtown Dallas Homeless Outreach: The Starfish Mentality“.

If you’re not in the Dallas area, why not do something in your area that demonstrates the love of God? You know… something like giving food to a hungry person, or giving a cup of water to someone who is thirsty, or spending time with a stranger, or providing clothing for someone who needs clothing, or visiting those who are sick or in prison? Why no do for the “least” who can’t do for you in return.

Or, then again, perhaps Jesus was joking when he said that whoever did for the least did for him, and whoever did not do for the least did not do for him. I can’t remember now… what was the outcome of that story in Matthew 25:31-46? Oh well, I’m sure there was some deeper, spiritual meaning that doesn’t require you to actually care for people.


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  1. 12-11-2008


    We have a man who came to our church the last two weeks and on Sunday, we found out that he was homeless.

    We are letting him sleep on church grounds in a warm building and each night, we are providing him with a meal.

    It is something so small, but yet, I know that it is making a big impact on him. He will have temporary housing set up in 9 days. Till then, we are helping in this manner.

    My 5 year old daughter though, does not think that we are doing enough. We have room in our house and at our table she states.

    She made him a “special drink” for us to take to him.

    We need to do so much more. Thanks for the challenge to make a difference in someone elses life.

    Can’t Sign My Name

  2. 12-11-2008

    I live in the Dallas area and will have to see if I can make this work. Thanks for the heads up.