the weblog of Alan Knox

Loving our neighbors

Posted by on Feb 14, 2009 in love | 3 comments

Today is Valentine’s Day. We’re going to the neighborhood and the nursing home where we’ve been spending time for almost a year now. We’re taking hand-made cards and flowers to the residents that we know. We do not expect these cards and flowers to convince them that we love them. Instead, we’ve shared their lives for the last nine months because we love them. Instead, we hope the cards and flowers are a reminder of our love. And, most importantly, we are praying that our love is a reminder to them that God loves them through Jesus Christ.


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  1. 2-14-2009

    I truly appreciate your words, “Instead, we’ve shared their lives for the last nine months because we love them.” Sharing our lives is one of the key ways to express the love of God.

  2. 2-15-2009

    Perhaps they will see that you love Jesus, and, if they don’t already know it, that Jesus loves them.

    May He who sits on the throne, Whose eyes roam throughout the earth, bless you and keep you and them.

  3. 2-15-2009

    Douglas and Sam,

    We were very suprised at our friends’ reactions to the flowers and the cards. They were so appreciative! And, one lady (in her 80’s) told us it was the first time she’d ever been given flowers.
