the weblog of Alan Knox

The seminar keeps getting better

Posted by on Mar 10, 2009 in definition, discipleship, fellowship | 6 comments

Less than two weeks away (March 21) from the “Developing a Biblical Ecclesiology” seminar, and it keeps getting better. No, not my part of the seminar. But, the other parts of the seminar. Let me explain.

First, if you’re not familiar with the seminar, I’ve written about it in these posts: “Upcoming Seminar: Developing a Biblical Ecclesiology“, “Promoting the Developing a Biblical Ecclesiology seminar“, “A Relational Seminar“, and “What’s in a seminar name?” Also, Dave Black has written about the seminar a few times on his blog (you’ll have to search for the seminar).

Originally, we planned to meet together at a local restaurant Friday night (March 20) before the seminar for dinner. This was going to be a great time to meet people and get to know one another before the seminar itself. This dinner, along with several of us spending the night with host families Friday night, was very important for the relational aspect of the seminar.

But, now I’ve been told that a family has agreed to open their home for us on Friday night. Instead of having dinner at a local restaurant, we will be able to talk together in this family’s living room! They are also providing finger foods so we will be able to eat and talk. This will be a much more relational atmosphere than the restaurant!

As I explained in my previous blog posts about the seminar, the relational aspect is extremely important. In this family’s living room – overlooking a lake, I’ve been told – we’ll be able to talk to one another, get to know one another, learn about our hopes and fears and concerns, and talk about some practical aspects that we will not cover in the seminar. This Friday evening meeting will be foundational to building relationships and to the content of the rest of the seminar.

So, if you can be in the Roxboro, NC area Friday night (March 20), please plan to join us. If you can join us that evening, contact Jason Evans. The host family requested only a certain number of people come Friday night because of the size of their living room and amount of food. See the seminar brochure (here) for Jason’s contact info.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 3-10-2009


    Are you considering recording the sessions?

  2. 3-10-2009


    We are planning to record as much as possible of Saturday’s sessions. I will put what we record on this blog, as long as the audio is good.


  3. 3-10-2009

    I would definitely like to hear the sessions as well. Or maybe you can you come to a more northern climate and do a similar seminar?

  4. 3-11-2009


    My family loves to travel. But, with work and school, its difficult to find the time or money to travel these days. If I ever come to your area, I’d love to meet you and hang out for a while.


  5. 3-13-2009


    Thanks. I am about five hours from Burlington. I’d rather spend the trip money on audio (and sharing it with others).

  6. 3-13-2009


    I understand. Plus, if we can record the audio, it will be available free. 🙂
