the weblog of Alan Knox

What does not come naturally…

Posted by on Apr 27, 2009 in blog links, discipleship | 2 comments

A few days ago, Dave Black wrote the following on his blog (Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 8:53 a.m.):

It’s good to be back on the farm. Today I’m helping Nathan and Jessie spread manure, working on a book manuscript, and beginning construction on a new hay shed. It is all work and it is all ministry. Some of this work is beyond what comes naturally to me. There is much growth and grace in that. I find writing more congenial to my personality than pounding nails. I am more delighted to be a facilitator than a leader. It is more natural for me to execute than to plan. Like you, I am sometimes put into positions I did not chose and for which I am not naturally suited. I have more than a little empathy for the student who finds Greek drudgery. Some students clearly have more language aptitude than others. But if I am a serious Christian, I cannot do only what comes easily to me. I don’t enjoy traveling. By that I mean I don’t enjoy cramped airplanes and long lines at airports. But I still accept many invitations that require air travel because, like Paul, I use travel to serve the kingdom.

Did you catch this: “Some of this work is beyond what comes naturally to me. There is much growth and grace in that”… and later, “But if I am a serious Christian, I cannot do only what comes easily to me”.

It is often uncomfortable to grow spiritually, but we are led to do things that do not come naturally or easily to us. But, if we desire to grow in maturity, we do them anyway, trusting God’s grace always – not our own abilities.

As I mentioned a few days ago, hospitality is something that do not come naturally to Margaret and me. But, we do it anyway, and we can see that God is growing us in this area.

What does not come naturally or easily to you? Are you willing to do it anyway?


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  1. 4-27-2009


    “It is often uncomfortable to grow spiritually,..”

    How true! Even at my end of the journey as a follower of Christ, such discomforts include, admitting that we are never the person we think we are, have never achieved what we think we have achieved, know far less about the mysteries of the Christian life than we think we know,are more affected by pride than we care to admit,whilst never admitting to it, are still sinners, even though saved by grace.

    That’s only a partial list pertaining to me. It is uncomfortable.

  2. 4-27-2009

    Aussie John,

    Thanks for the comment. But, better than the comment, thanks for the picture!


    I deleted your comment because it has nothing to do with this post, or anything else that I’ve posted.

    Feel free to interact on my posts and comments, but please don’t just post links to your blogs.
