the weblog of Alan Knox

Beyond busy nothings

Posted by on May 12, 2009 in blog links, community, fellowship | 1 comment

Jonathan is a young, single, college student who is part of our church. He’s started writing articles for our church website at Yesterday, in response to my blog post about Guy’s article “When can we be a church?“, Jonathan wrote the following:

Alan challenged me to get started right away, and instantly a hundred excuses popped into my head. But they were all just the busy nothings I fill my day up with. I do all kinds of things throughout the day that don’t involve people. What if I were to start studying with people, and not for my grade, but for their benefit? What if I were to eat a meal with people, not for my nourishment, but their encouragement?

I eat almost every meal alone. It doesn’t have to be that way. Studying is something we all do (bible and school), and we all do it to the exclusion of others. What if we studied together, sharing what we were learning, challenging one another, and praying for lasting change? (And as a side benefit, “teaching” somebody whatever material you’re required to learn helps you to learn it.)

What if I were to start a Twitter with the various things I’m doing throughout the day, and where I’ll be (even if it’s just relaxing) so that anyone can join me and we can fellowship together?

In a discussion on Facebook, Jonathan said, “What would it take to get us to stop filling our lives with activities and instead fill it with people?”

I’m looking forward to continuing this discussion among the church where God has placed me. In fact, I’m hoping that this moves far beyond conversation.

One Comment

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  1. 5-12-2009


    Your words, “What would it take to get us to stop filling our lives with activities and instead fill it with people?” are a powerful word of exhortation to us all.