the weblog of Alan Knox

stories: Tell Your Story

Posted by on May 27, 2009 in love, missional, service, stories | Comments Off on stories: Tell Your Story

Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been publishing a series of blog posts called “stories“. In this series, I’ve been sharing experiences that people have had serving others in big ways and small ways. Some of these experiences have been my own; some have been the experiences of my friends; some have been the experiences of readers who have sent their stories to me.

The purpose of this series is to provide examples to encourage each of us to follow Jesus by serving those around us – both believers and unbelievers. We see in Scripture that the authors often use their own experiences to encourage their readers to do likewise. Similarly, we are exhorted by the author of Hebrews to consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. Hopefully, this series has been a method of exhortation toward love and good works for my readers.

Now, I want to give you, my readers, another opportunity to share your stories. The stories can be short or long, big or small, individual actions or group actions. Simply email me your story (my email address is aknox [at] sebts [dot] edu) and tell me if you would like to remain anonymous or not, and if you would like me to link to your blog or website.

Some of my readers have told me that they are reluctant to share their own stories because they are afraid that it would be seen as boasting. Here is an opportunity to share your stories in a way that cannot be perceived as boasting (if you do it anonymously) and yet can still encourage other believers to follow Jesus Christ in serving others.

So, here is your opportunity. Think about what God has done through your to serve others. Consider the people who may read your story and be exhorted to serve likewise. Then, if you feel comfortable, send me your story, and I’ll publish it here.

This type of “story” reinforces that teaching is by example as much as by words, and the importance of “doing” not just “talking” or “studying” or “thinking”.