the weblog of Alan Knox

Good teaching

Posted by on Jun 2, 2009 in discipleship, edification, gathering | 2 comments

Last Sunday, my friend Jonathan taught from Matthew 18:20-35 which includes the parable of the unforgiving servant. Several other people also read Scripture and discussed the issue of forgiveness. Was this “good teaching”? Was it “sound doctrine”?

I’ll allow my friend Jason to respond in a post he wrote for our church website:

Yesterday in service, a brother taught out from Matthew 18:21-35, and it dealt with forgiveness; learning to forgive others knowing the forgiveness that we have received from our wonderful Father. Well…it was a very sobering message and the Lord was really breaking me over some things yesterday. One of the things He reminded me of is how subtle bitterness can be in our lives. There has been some tension between myself and another sister and I tried to make it right last week, so I made a call but couldn’t get a hold of this sister. Well I became very prideful thinking that I did my part, which my Father really rebuked me about yesterday. He showed me that I was holding some bitterness towards this person, which I was able to repent of. I decided to give this person a call again to try and make things right, this time the way that the Lord calls us to and not in my own pride. I still wasn’t able to talk much with this sister as of yesterday, but I am hopeful to be able to make things right. I am praying that the Lord would work continue to teach me how to forgive others and continually remind of the great debt that I’ve been forgiven that I might come to know Him more.

So, God used Jonathan’s words and the words of other brothers and sisters to convict Jason of a broken relationship with a sister. In response, Jason began contacting this sister in order to start reconciling that relationship. Sounds like “good teaching” to me.


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  1. 6-2-2009

    Alan, God even uses BAD teaching. I know, I’m an Expert (Ha).

    But somehow the Holy Ghost fixes and restores the words as they are sent to do his work.

    I’m less concerned with the devils ability to deceive than I am anxious for Jesus to be revealed.

    Seems like Holy Spirit is good at fixing my bad teaching. People sometimes hear things I didn’t even say. How does that work?

  2. 6-2-2009


    I believe that “goodness” of any service or speaking comes from God working, not from our abilities or talents. So, your sermons were “good”, regardless of how others (including ourselves) may judge them.
