the weblog of Alan Knox

Saturday and Serving

Posted by on Jun 6, 2009 in gathering, missional, service | Comments Off on Saturday and Serving

Saturday has become a day of service for our family. Sometimes, its very busy, and sometimes we don’t spend as much time together as we’d like. But, we’ve learned (and are learning) to serve together as a family.

This morning, we plan to spend time in “The Neighborhood” as we do most Saturday mornings. A few months ago, we stopped taking fresh produce with us, because the roadside stands closed. Now, they’ve reopened, and we’re planning to buy some fresh vegetables and fruit before we go to the neighborhood. Some good friends gave us some money to buy extra produce this week. Some of the people that we normally spend time with on Saturdays are not going to be home today for various reasons. Hopefully, we’ll be able to meet some new people today.

I’m also excited because some friends are interested in spending time in the neighborhood with us. We don’t know who is going with us today, but that doesn’t really matter. We’ll go, even if it is just our family.

I think God may be directing us to do something different in the neighborhood. I’m not exactly sure what that is yet, but please pray for us and the neighborhood.

Tonight, we’re getting together with a group of friends again. We’ll share a meal and talk about our lives this week. We’ll study Scripture (right now we’re studying Exodus) and pray together. This has been a great time of fellowship over the last few weeks, and I’ve been very encouraged by these friends.

Later tonight, after the Bible study, a friend is bringing some high school football players into this area. This friend was once our neighbor, but he recently moved toward the east coast of NC. He now coaches football at a local public high school. He is bringing several players to visit one of the colleges west of here. He asked if some of us would be willing to host two or three boys so they wouldn’t have to drive the whole way on Sunday morning. We’ll be keeping two or three boys, while two of our friends are also hosting two or three boys.

We won’t get to spend too much time with them, because they’re not planning to arrive until after 10:00 p.m., and they’re planning to leave by 6:30 a.m. But, we’re excited about the opportunity to help out our friend and serve these high school students.

What opportunities has God given you to serve people?