the weblog of Alan Knox

Walking Together

Posted by on Jun 19, 2009 in community, discipleship | 1 comment

Last summer, when my wife Margaret and I were walking together in the mornings, I wrote a post called “Walking Together“. I learned alot about discipleship and living with other believers as Margaret and I learned to physically walk together. We should probably start walking together in the mornings again. Anway, I hope you enjoy this post.


Walking Together

Until moving to North Carolina to attend seminary, I’ve lived a fairly active life. Because of this, I haven’t needed to set aside time to exercise. However, because of seminary, my lifestyle has become much more sedentary, and as a result I have become less healthy and I’ve gained too much weight.

I decided that since I was not taking classes this summer I would start exercising. Margaret and I started walking in the evenings. But, because there was usually something going on in the evenings, and because it was very hot, we found that we walked much less often than we needed to. So, I started walking early in the mornings. After a few days, Margaret started walking in the mornings with me.

Before Margaret started walking with me – and occasionally now when she has something else to do in the mornings – I find that I can walk by myself at a faster pace, for longer distances, and for longer periods of time. When we walk together, we walk at a slower pace, for shorter distances, and for less time.

It would appear that it would be better for me to walk by myself. And, if I were only concerned with my physical health, it might be better for me to walk by myself. I would get healthier faster by walking every day by myself.

However, life is not just about my health. When Margaret and I walk together, we also talk to one another, and we encourage one another as we walk. In fact, Margaret has told me that she probably would not continue walking if she had to walk alone. She wouldn’t be motivated to walk by herself.

So, while I may be more healthy by walking alone, our family is healthier by us walking together. I suppose, if I were only concerned with my own physical health, I would walk alone anyway. But, I’m also concerned about Margaret’s health, and I’m concerned about our relationship. These concerns override the personal advantage of walking alone. By the way, I also find that I am getting healthier in process.

I suppose there is some spiritual point to my learning this and sharing this with my readers. There’s probably some truth about community and spiritual gifts and mutual edification and growing in maturity together.

Unfortunately, I don’t have to time to dig into those spiritual truths. Its time for me to attend a Bible study. Although, I may not be attending this Bible study for very much longer. The other people who attend this Bible study are not as spiritually mature as me, and they are not moving along as fast as I would like to move along. I think a Bible study with a different format would be better for my own spiritual growth. I’ve been thinking of looking for another Bible study so that these less mature people don’t slow down my own growth.

One Comment

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  1. 6-20-2009

    How often in our “achievement” oriented world do we mistake speed, and success for the “servant” world that Christ has graciously allowed us to share with him? The old man strikes again. Thanks for the post.