the weblog of Alan Knox

Community Hermeneutics in Action

Posted by on Aug 30, 2009 in community, discipleship, edification, gathering, scripture | 2 comments

Community hermeneutics in action! What does that mean? It means that Danny taught from Matthew 21:33-46… and so did I, and so did Jared, and David, and Gary, and Dave, and Jeremiah, and Geth, etc. I think we ended up with a more complete understanding of Scripture, not just one person’s interpretation, and we were all able to exhort one another to faithfulness, obedience, and fruitfulness. (See my posts “Authority, Hermeneutics, and Criticism,” “Mutual Hermeneutics,” and “Toward Mutual Hermeneutics.”)


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  1. 9-2-2009

    Love it, love it, love it.
    Alan, I don’t know if it’s your regular practice to blog about what actually happens at your church meetings, but I’d love to hear more. I’m sure we all need the practical illustrations. So thanks for posting this.

  2. 9-2-2009


    I’ve written a couple of posts about what actually happens at our church meetings. But, since each week is different, it is kinda hard to pin down.
