the weblog of Alan Knox

Excited about what God is doing

Posted by on Aug 8, 2009 in gathering | 6 comments

A couple of months ago, while our family was out of town, the believers that we meet with (we call ourselves Messiah Baptist Church) talked about our current meeting location. We love our current meeting location and we love our landlords! But, the church decided that we were paying too much money for that location.

Now, I know what you may be thinking. You may be thinking that like many churches we are having financial problems and so we needed to find a less expensive place to meet. Actually, we have plenty of money. Instead, the church decided that they wanted to spend more money serving people and less money on a meeting place.

Several options were tossed around, and over the next few weeks we looked at a few different locations. Eventually, we found a place that cost us about half of what we were paying, and we will have more access to the location. We begin meeting in that new location on August 16.

I’m excited about this. I’m not necessarily excited about meeting in a new place. I’m not necessarily excited about having access to the location during the week. Instead, I’m excited that the church did not allow a location to define them. Plus, they thought seriously about what God wanted them to do with their money.

We are all responsible for how we spend our money. We are responsible individually and corporately. We need to make decisions with a kingdom mindset. I don’t know what is going to happen with this new location. I don’t know what opportunities God may give us to serve him as we move. However, I am excited that the church is seeking God and willing to make very important changes in order to follow him.


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  1. 8-8-2009

    How many churches voluntarily downsize their buildings to something less expensive. Why that’s, that’s un-American! Bigger is better!

  2. 8-8-2009


    You have to be careful about posting things like this. You just might put ideas in peoples heads. Some other group of believers might actually try this and end up supporting a missionary, feeding the hungry or something else equally foolish. 🙂


  3. 8-8-2009


    Un-American? Maybe. I’m okay with that. 🙂


    Yeah, I hope so.


  4. 8-9-2009

    Last fall we moved from a school library to a nearby parks facility… it was such an awesome move for us. We cut our costs in half and now when our worship is done, we go and hang out at the playground or BBQ after… it is so much fun! We also have a lot more opportunities to serve at community events that are hosted at the park.. good stuff!

  5. 8-9-2009

    Joe (JR),

    That’s awesome! I didn’t realize you had made that move. Thanks for sharing it with us.


  6. 8-9-2009


    You must be amongst those hairy ticks who don’t know that God lives in dwellings made by hands and that His Spirit must be induced to come down out of the rafters every Sunday.

    Have you been given a specific Scripture to lead you away from what you have been doing?

    Seriously though! I pray that you and your brethren will be mightily used to reveal Christ and glorify Him in that new location.


  1. Yes! Spend Less on Buildings « Threads from Henry’s Web - [...] The Assembling of the Church: … Instead, the church decided that they wanted to spend more money serving…