the weblog of Alan Knox

Scripture… As We Live It #75

Posted by on Oct 11, 2009 in as we live it, scripture | 3 comments

This is the 75th installment in “Scripture… As We Live It“:

Above all, keep loving one another checking one another’s theology earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins right theology will keep you pure. (1 Peter 4:8 re-mix)

(Please read the first post for an explanation of this series.)


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  1. 10-11-2009

    Yes…right theology is the answer to all of my problems…and it helps me to point out yours as well. 🙂

  2. 10-11-2009

    Alan, I am curious. Do you make a distinction between theology and doctrine? If yes, what?

  3. 10-11-2009

    Joe (JR),

    I guess I would make a distinction between “doctrine” and “theology” depending on how they were used. In general, I was say that “doctrine” is a specific teaching, while “theology” is a way to understand God. Of course, this could get more specific, and the two terms can be used to refer to the same thing. In this post, I think you could replace “theology” with “doctrine”.
