the weblog of Alan Knox

Going to Ethiopia?

Posted by on Nov 23, 2009 in missional, service | 5 comments

Saturday, I went to Roxboro, NC along with my friends Adam (from “adamic“), Danny, and David to take part in an orientation for a possible trip to Ethiopia this summer with Dave and BeckyLynn Black. We were joined by about 20+ other people from around the area (six different churches) who are praying about taking part in this trip.

The four of us would be joining the Blacks in the Alaba region of Ethiopia, while the others would be traveling with the Blacks to the Burji region. Our primary responsibility while we are there would be to teach believers. However, I also think that the four of us can learn alot from our Ethiopian brothers and sisters.

There are many, many obstacles that must be overcome before we take this trip. Obviously, we only want to go in God’s power and according to his will. Similarly, there are issues related to finance, vaccinations, family, etc.

Would you pray for us as we consider this trip?


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  1. 11-23-2009

    Yep! Sure will!

  2. 11-23-2009


    Already am! Not an easy trip, I know. May God be with you!


  3. 11-23-2009

    Lionel and Jeff,



  4. 11-24-2009

    Just want to second Alan’s “thanks” to Jeff and Lionel. And thanks, Alan, for posting this.

  5. 11-24-2009

    Prayed for you guys this morning. Will continue through until you find something out!