the weblog of Alan Knox

Blood is thicker than blood

Posted by on Dec 13, 2009 in church life, community, fellowship, gathering | 8 comments

This morning, as we were meeting with the church, we started talking about caring for one another – that is, caring for those who are part of “the household of faith” – other believers.

One brother said this: “The old saying goes, ‘Blood is thicker than water.’ But, according to Scripture, ‘Blood is thicker than blood.’ The blood of Jesus is ‘thicker’ than family relations. We’re all part of the same family because of Jesus’ blood. Nothing is ‘thicker’ than Jesus’ blood.”

I think he’s right. What do you think?

(I hadn’t taken pictures during one of our church meetings lately, so I decided to take pictures today. You can find them on my facebook profile.)


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  1. 12-13-2009


    I think he’s right as well. But what happens when your “family relations” are believers?


  2. 12-13-2009


    They’re brothers and sisters in Christ, right?


  3. 12-13-2009

    Sounds good…. or is it Love is thicker than blood?

    Thanks for sharing the pictures of your gathering too. I’ve been a bit curious about how you ‘do church’. I’ve gathered it’s somewhat different than a small group – cause it isn’t that small – yet different than the average large ‘church’.

    So from the photo’s I think I’d fit in well. I was wondering if you’d have rows of chairs facing whoever is leading. It looks like you have maybe two rows going around the room.

    In small groups I love to get involved – I love to get engaged in discussing God’s truths, praying and encouraging others. In large ‘church’ settings – I like to sit in the back row… never in the front row (maybe because I grew up as a PK and had to sit in the front all the time).

    So I’d still have the choice in your group to sit in the back row… but I suspect I’d grab a front row seat to be in the mix of the action. 🙂

    Do you always have food? Then I may pick my seat closer to wherever the food is. 🙂

  4. 12-14-2009


    Yes, you pegged our setup pretty closely. We currently set up our chairs in two circles around the room. When we’ve had a couple of presentations with slides, we set the chairs up in rows so everyone can see the presentation.

    I wouldn’t say that we “always” have food, but generally we eat together each Sunday.


  5. 12-14-2009

    Certainly the way it should be.

  6. 12-15-2009


    I agree!


  7. 12-15-2009

    Doooooooh! Thanks for calling our bluff. ;-P

  8. 12-15-2009





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